All of the different sides of me.

All of the different sides of me.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

I hate change as much as anyone else. This last week though I was presented with a possible change and, as much as I hate to admit, I had a melt down. This change affected my ministry, my time, my passions, all of it. Instead of looking at what these changes could mean, I panicked.

Then I had to ask myself why. Was I really not wanting that change? Was the person presenting the change really trying to take something important from me? Or was I scared that letting go of this meant I somehow failed?

Change is scary, but mostly because it means we don't have control. So my advice, worthless as it may be, for facing change:

1. Take time to evaluate what the change means, the good AND the bad. If you only look at what you're losing, you will miss what you may be gaining.

2. Ask someone you trust to help you evaluate the change, they may see advantages/disadvantages that you don't.

3. Set small goals for stepping into the change coming. Plan, prepare and be willing to let go small bits at a time. That way, when the change fully comes it's less traumatic.

4. BREATHE!! I know, change can feel like life is shattering, but find ways to work through little parts at a time, this maintains the illusion, yes illusion, that you still have some control. You don't, but it will help you navigate and survive the change.

Worthless advice? Maybe. But it's helping me let go of something that I thought I needed and release it to someone who can do a better job with it.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Seasonal Fruit

Seasonal Fruit

My family amazes me. I kick and fight to get them to eat fruits and vegetables while they're in season and they whine the whole time. But as soon as a fruit or vegetable is out of season and hard to find, or very expensive they suddenly ask me to buy it. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "mom, when can we have artichokes again?" in December. Or, "can you get some watermelon?" in March. 

I have good days and bad days, and it would be easy to say that I'm allowed to act this way, it's just a bad day. But is that the truth? 1 Timothy 4:1-2 says: I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 

God says we're to always be in season, always ready for whatever He asks of us or whoever He brings across our paths. Hmm.... My little task-oriented, people-ignoring brain doesn't quite grasp this verse sometimes. Sometimes I want to say, "Sorry, I'm not in season yet, talk to me next week, or next month, or even next year." And yet, God says to always be ready, ready to do what he asks WITH COMPLETE PATIENCE!!!

I believe this ties right in with the type of fruit we are supposed to bear. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. 

Patience is usually seen as this unreachable perfection we should all strive for. There are thousands of quotes and insights on patience, and I found a few that spoke to me of the depth of patience we don't often acknowledge. 

“I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done.”
― Elisabeth ElliotPassion and Purity: Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ's Control

"The strength of patience hangs on our capacity to believe that God is up to something good for us in all our delays and detours." - John Piper

“A waiting person is a patient person. The word patience means the willingness to stay where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us.” ― Henri J.M. Nouwen

All of these rely on a trust in God, a trust that He knows what He is doing, and that He has the best in mind for us as we wait, or endure, or tolerate whatever situation has come our way. 

We cannot only bear fruit, God's fruit, seasonally. There is a world that needs to know that God loves them, He created them with a purpose and He CHOSE them! Our fruit must always be ripe, ready, and free.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sink or Swim

This week I was reminded of a story my mom often tells. She tells the story of me, at three years old, swimming the entire width of an olympic sized pool without help. She talks about how brave I was on the high dive and on how my instructor tricked me into swimming the width by taking one step back over and over again until I reached the wall. But she was wrong. I did not swim across without help. I swam to my instructor who was only one step away, encouraging me, promising to help me if I needed it but reminding me that I didn't. That encouragement, that faith in me was what got me across the pool.

This week, I faced some discouragement. It was discouragement that, for the first time in a long time, made me want to stop, to tread water where I was until I could get out of the pool and give up. There is a goal I have been working on for 4 years, and I thought it was within reach finally. I was getting excited, seeing the finish line, feeling like it was just one more stroke in the pool when I got a phone call letting me know that not only would my goal not be completed this year as I expected it would, but that it would be another two years before I was done. I felt like a deflated balloon.

This happened on a day that I was administering reading tests to the whole 2nd grade at our school. Watching these kids struggle to read and being able to show them how much they've improved, encourage their growth and provide books and advice for continued improvement is normally one of my favorite things to do. Today it was hard. Giving out encouragement when I felt like I had none was exhausting. I did my best, as I truly care about these children and their growth, I was not about to let them feel my discouragement.

Coming home that evening, I was encouraged by all of my children. They have come so far in life, and grown so much. There have been struggles, real struggles with two of my children. Major issues that int he moment (or years) seemed like they would never go away. Sitting there at the table with them for dinner, talking about where they are in life right now, hearing them talk about their futures and goals reminded me that it really doesn't matter where I am in the journey to my finish line. It matters that I run the race well and that I cross the finish line. So how do you encourage when you are discouraged? You listen to your instructor, telling you, "it's just a little farther, you can do it, don't stop pushing, go, go, go!!" And you just keep pushing. Why? Because it's worth it. Knowing God is as proud of my growth as I am of my children's growth makes it all worth it.