I hate change as much as anyone else. This last week though I was presented with a possible change and, as much as I hate to admit, I had a melt down. This change affected my ministry, my time, my passions, all of it. Instead of looking at what these changes could mean, I panicked.
Then I had to ask myself why. Was I really not wanting that change? Was the person presenting the change really trying to take something important from me? Or was I scared that letting go of this meant I somehow failed?
Change is scary, but mostly because it means we don't have control. So my advice, worthless as it may be, for facing change:
1. Take time to evaluate what the change means, the good AND the bad. If you only look at what you're losing, you will miss what you may be gaining.
2. Ask someone you trust to help you evaluate the change, they may see advantages/disadvantages that you don't.
3. Set small goals for stepping into the change coming. Plan, prepare and be willing to let go small bits at a time. That way, when the change fully comes it's less traumatic.
4. BREATHE!! I know, change can feel like life is shattering, but find ways to work through little parts at a time, this maintains the illusion, yes illusion, that you still have some control. You don't, but it will help you navigate and survive the change.
Worthless advice? Maybe. But it's helping me let go of something that I thought I needed and release it to someone who can do a better job with it.
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